About IMAPS France

IMAPS is a global community of electronics and photonics packaging engineers who have the opportunity to access information and people  of that community.

Information is accessed through seminars, workshops, market and business events, short courses, publications, webinars and websites. These platforms are available to all members who wish to contribute or to learn.

People are accessed through events, some of which are dedicated to networking, and others which provide the opportunities through the technical events.

IMAPS comprises three geographical groupings, namely, IMAPS chapters in America, IMAPS chapters in Europe and IMAPS chapters in Asia. These groupings tend to concentrate their events in their geographic regions. Nevertheless, the community has significant cross-participation with the consequent benefit to engineers in every region.

This website is dedicated to the thirteen IMAPS Chapters throughout Europe and was recently moved to our new server. It contains news, events, committee information, member directories, membership benefits, how to join, call for papers and student resources for each Chapter. Some chapter pages will be listed in their native language.

Much of the information is freely available to non-members and we hope this will give you an opportunity to learn more about the culture and activities of our unique Society.

The membership directory can be accessed only by members. Please visit the site for the Chapter where you live to find out how you can benefit from participating in our events or being an IMAPS member and let us welcome you into our community.

IMAPS European chapters, a group of independent local Chapters of IMAPS, have all together some 1500 individual members and additionally corporate members in some chapters. Membership is always local to a chapter, see list with links on the left.

The IMAPS European chapters are co-ordinating activities and events throughout Europe and, where possible, also in collaboration with IMAPS chapters in Asia and America. The main pan-European events are the European Microelectronics and Packaging Conferences (EMPC) every odd year (2009, 2011, 2013 etc) and the collaborative conference (with IEEE-CPMT) the European System-Integration Technology Conference (ESTC) every even year (2008, 2010, 2012, etc). Both EMPC and ESTC are scheduled to be held on the second Monday to Thursday of September every year. So, this is a date to put into your diaries.