About us …

IMAPS – International Microelectronics Assembly and Packaging Society – is a global community of microelectronic related engineers, scientists, manufacturers, end-users and supply chain companies.

The Society aims to support the development and growth of the Microelectronics and related industries, and to aid the transfer of knowledge and information. This is achieved through networking, seminars, workshops, short courses, publications, webinars and websites.

Members benefit from access to business networking and events at a reduced rate; technical information & receive society newsletters and other publications. IMAPS is the largest Microelectronic Packaging Society in the World!

IMAPS-France (French chapter) is a non-profit organization with 110 members in 2023 from 110 companies or institutes in France and neighbouring countries (Belgium, Switzerland, Morocco, Spain, Portugal). IMAPS-France is one out of the 30 IMAPS chapters throughout the World.

For this purpose, we organize events every year. Over 2024-2025 season, held in French OR English language, these are namely:



We will be glad to see you join us for one of these events.

Latest News

  • IMAPS France infos N°85 avril 2024
    Editorial Chers lecteurs/lectrices,   L’activité bat son plein !   L’évènement THERMAL 2024 s’est déroulé dans des conditions de grèves et de blocages des agriculteurs ; je tiens […]
  • Dear Microelectronics and Packaging Professional
    Report on the 24th European Microelectronics and Packaging Conference   IMAPS-Europe is a Technical Society registered in Europe and is composed of European Chapters delivering knowledge, networking […]


POWER 2024

From Nano to Macro


28 Nov 2024
Tours France

POWER 2024

From Nano to Macro
28 Nov 2024
Tours France
IMAPS Events


Advanced Technology Workshop
26 Mar - 27 Mar 2025
La Rochelle France
IMAPS Events